Make a commitment to make a difference in your life this time around.  


As your Personal Life Coach, you will receive expert coaching, guidance, feedback and support through my practice.  Contact me and together we will

* Discuss your goals, objectives and dreams

*Analyze where you are now and where you want to be

* Uncover what's really keeping you from moving forward

* Identify at least one step you can make quickly and easily

Each session last one hour (50 min. of coaching and 10 min. of reviewing the session and "homework" for the following session.)  Email contacts between sessions (for clarification of either homework, brief feedback, etc.) is accepted.

Everything is strictly confidential and handled in a non-judgmental environment.  We regularly review how the coaching process is working for you.  Most of my clients work with me for a minimum of three months to a year using our partnership as a catalyst for positive life changes.  

It’s not how you look that makes you attractive but who you are inside.
— Melissa Algoso

Call me

Call and set-up an appointment for your FREE 30-minute coaching consultation -  (Text or Message Me)

(714) 728-3699


e-mail me

Share with me what's on your mind.  There's no better way to begin than to become proactive in managing your own life this time around. Write me by sending me a direct email @